onsdag 16. november 2011

Big Dreams borned in Norway can fly out in the world in a partnership with global companies like Accenture and the Norwegian Government,  come and join me.

One might say, I maybe was born into the real heart of ICT when I was apointed by the minister of Trade Mrs. Grethe Knudsen to join her advisory board on e-Business for Norway. I can look back on these meetings and brain-storming sessions and think, how did we manage to stretch so far.  But we did, and with passion, entusiasm and a broad collaboration model we gave birth to Altinn I and later Altinn II.

Today I do have the privilege to work with bringing Altinn out to the world as an asset in partnership with our client. And this is real innovation and a field of innovation where Norway is at its best. We can reuse a proven solution, which is extensive and complex (what you need when you want to digitalize governments) but simple to integrate to portals, case-management systems and ERP-systems.  A kinderegg solution already saving Norway trillions (still many more to go) but also pushing us up the ladder on countries where it is good to do business.

Yesterday I had a presentation for ICT-students telling them about how I am living my dream, but also how they can live theirs.  Read more about this in Norwegian here: http://morten.ifi.uio.no/

fredag 28. oktober 2011

How smart devices drive the innovation in business models

The technology is a key-driver for the innovation.  In the midle of an innovation workshop on smart-grid I suddenly realizes that what is now happening to this industry with smart-metering is the same as what happened to the telco's with smart phones. Actually one of the guys in the workshop expressed it like this: The utility industry needs a Steve Jobs. And I think he is right, but not only him for his industry but for all industries. But I do not think we need one Steve Jobs, I think we all need to be a litle bit more Steve Jobsier in our attitudes to how we solve our work tasks every day.  Because I remembered as we were discussing this observation, what happended when I came back from San Francisco with the brand new iPhone to Norway. Entusiasticly (beeing a litle bit Steve Jobbis I hope) I went to one of my clients and said, look at this this is so cool, we should start investigating how this will innovate your business model. The respons was, no I do think it is just another phone. My imediate respons was; I think you have never been more wrong.  And well, to my account history speaks for itself.  And based on reasont changes in the utility industry - who want to be a litle bit more Steve Jobies here ?

For a more academic insight into this topic check out the reasons Warton Blog Post on this:

onsdag 21. september 2011

NOKIOS, We must start action on reusing governent solutions in Europe

Listening to Robert Madlin (Leader of the Digital Agenda in EU) his main message that we should learn more from each-other. This is stated in the Malmø Decleration, and then we tend to issue research and reports. My questions to all of you out there are:
1. Can we continue to afford reports and research, instead of just reusing? If you look at the sucesses of companies like Microsoft and SAP, how did they spread the message. SELLING. So who is selling the solutions between the countries? We just had a client issue a letter to the Norwegian Department on access to the Altinn code. The letter was issued in may, and as of september they have not even got a reply to their request. That is not selling in my ears.
2.Can we continue to let researchers set the speed of implementations? Research is great for building new knowledge, but have we not done this already by implementing solutions in one country of one region. I would like the research to look at the implications and the challenges solved and new challenges appearing by resuing solutions.
3.Can we accept to wait for the perfect technology solution, before serving our citizens with online solutions? I believe in government solutions we need to learn from the innovation leaders like Apple and Google. We need beta-strategies, prototyping and pilots scaling from small to medium to large.

fredag 12. august 2011

Why Women in the Nordic Region becomes entrpreneurs

Attending a conference at Åland focusing on women entrpreneurship, inspiration and insights hopefully gives actions Att Välje Väg http://www.fanny.ax/.  Looking into the statistics of entrepreneurship around the globe, the Nordic entrpreneur is driven by the need to innovate. Beeing in this group represents a market, where the majority is not entpreneurs, since entrpreneurship is mainly motivated by need. Listening to the history of Arts & Crafts and her reflections on how beeing hungry gives you an extra gear to move on with more inspiration. http://www.ac.no/,  I do start thinking how do we transfer this need for entrepreneurship to a Nordic Model based on democracy and a idea on a good life for everyone delivered by the state.  Maybe the thoughts of professor Carin Holmquist http://www.hhs.se/CEBC action suggestion to split the state funded program by the democratic statistics for the population. Atleast it would be worth looking into the numbers and putting targets on distribution. Also quotas would work as a program to ensure the distribution better.

fredag 15. juli 2011

Microsofts trends and thoughts for the market in 2012

Listening to many Microsoft Executives and Kevin Turner doing his anually speach from stage, I wanted to share some of my obeservations with you. 

First of all, lets look into the amount Microsoft is investing in R&D. Nothing less than 9 billion dollars will be spend on R&D in this fiscal year. The priortizations will be fueled by these thoughts on trends:

  1. We have reached an inflection point in moores law. Today a motherboard is smaller than a phone. This will enable a new generation of devices, smaller, faster and everywhere that we have not seen. Also much more intelligence on the devices.  All together enabling us to deliver data where you want it, how you want it and when you want it.
  2. Cloud will define the scenarios.  The cloud is a next step for our industry.  The cloud is enabling new scenarios on how to change the world, that our industry never have been able to deliver before.
  3. Consumeration of IT is the fastest force of adoption in technology ever. The digital generation is expecting and inventing using IT in ways we have never seen happen in our industry earlier.
  4. We will have unified eco-system with PC-Phones-TV. In 2012 it will be sold 1 billion smart computers in one of these 3 groups, versus 400 million in 2010. Microsoft will support this with a coherant and consistant strategy with iE 9 as the same browser for all 3 devices.
Based on this how do you move with a global R&D agenda and with some of the best people in our industry?  Well you make bets, the bets are as follows:

1.      Develop and deliver the best Cloud services
2.      Keep a sharp eye on the end user/consumer, and let their opinion shape the R&D investment
3.      Keep on moving with Search and have the best solutions for display advertising on any devices across any platforms including game-consols.
4.      Grow your market share on the Phone
5.      Redesign Windows with version 8 som will run on arm and the system on a chip.

Exciting and challenging.  The presence Microsoft has in different segments give them an opportunity to deliver the best solutions powered by ICT-technology when we want it, how we want it and where we want it.

Microsoft Partner Network, the largest Open Innovation Case winnig together every day around the world

On an annual basis I have the privilege to attend the Microsoft World Partner Conference.  This event is for partners only and are on premises (also digital www.wpc11.com)  beeing a meetingplace for partners and employees in Microsoft around the world.  This week we have been more than 14.000 people working together on the mission of how winning together will change the world.
Bullshit, you might think. This is just comercial and marketing, and yes you are right. But the more I work with exciting solutions I am getting a keen beliver in doing good business is good business, and that trusting somebody with your idea you can change the world.  And let me give you some insight into my experiences this week.
  1. First by picking the theme for the conference Winning together, Microsoft is saying it all. They do not belive in going alone (like many of their so hyped competitors in fact do), they truly believe in togetherness. This not only mean doing business, but investing together in great initiatives like Haiti NetHope Academy, giving young people access to demanded technology skills giving them a profession and also a job slowly redesigning their own country
  2. Second believing in partnership and openess takes comitment.  Microsoft Comitment comes in many shapes and colours, but hosting open innovation is their Partner Network.  On a platform free for all partners (you just have to say you want to be a partner and you are in). In this hosted network (free of cost ) for all partners to join and search for other parnters or post their solution and idea.  Today this network has more than 6.000 partners using it. To be honest I do not know about any other open innovation platform with that many users.
  3. Thirdly believing in openess takes available business funding to work on a solution changing the world and bringing value to all inn.  Like all the present theory on Open Innovation, this part is a continusly negotioans as the business case moves along and mature.  But upfront Microsoft is trusting you with available funding programs to help you develop.  Yes, in some sense comparable to the Apple appstore, but then again not, because Microsoft will not charge you forever, they will have a need to share but in a much modest manner, but also requiring you to co-invest with them.
I do every day believe I am priviliged to work with technology. Considering myself contributing to a better world by beeing a change maker, I can not think of anything more powerful than technology doing this.  But beeing here at Microsoft World Partner Event, I feel  even more priviliged.  Because I am a truly believer in open innovation and by trusting somebody you will gain more than you loose.  Microsoft is visualizing for me a network of 640000 partners, with more than 15000000 employees changing the world in small and large projects using Open Innovation to win together. 
... and Bill Gates who obviously has been a thoughtleader on this model, is now taking it to a even better mission in the foundation also here utilizing the power of Open Innovation.

fredag 17. juni 2011

Innovation need research as an investment capability

Attending the Digital Assembley in Europe and listening, learning and discussing how to solve and get competetive advantages in a global economy. Europe has an unique public funded research model, but we are getting a dimminshing numbers of innovations based in Europe out of it.  So, how could we start a change program on this topic.  Here are a couple of my thoughts:

1. Europe is launching an innovation union, we should launch a nordic innovation union.  This union should take into fact the diversity in the innovation cultures in each country.  My ease picture of the best nordic comapnay is as follows:  The R&D department is operated by the norwegian. We do research very competitive with small means and in a widely network model. Then the product management should be led by a finn, she would scale it and get everybody on board. The swede should be responsible for setting up the operations and finally the sales director is danish.  This model could be incorporated into policies and requirement following the money.
2. Utilize the competetive advantage we have by a growing representation of women leadership position and designing the model by gender mainstreaming.
3. Extending the topic on innovation to include innovation in public service. The Nordic Region could take a lead in eGovernment, and by doing it in a nordic model, we would also solve the challenges of a single market, which is a great market opportunity for the Nordic businesses spinning off from an innovation program like this.

torsdag 16. juni 2011

100 years, very impressive in this industry, Happy Birthday

In this industry, now overwhelmed by the numbers of people in social networks and number of smartphones, it is very impressive to turn 100 years.  In 1988 I had the opportunity to join IBM, and had a wonderful journey (although to short) with them.  The IBM I met, I believe are one of many reasons why they today are turning 100 years.  The first principle was trainiging.  Back then we had to train for a year before we where certified to work with clients full time.  Even though I guess this time has decreased substantially, I know the principle is still guiding IBM for all the employees.  Second principle was the respect for the client, but believing that the technology would solve the problem.  The SPIN-model,  (Situation - Problem - Implication -Need) has been guiding me since.  Third and maybe the principle giving this 100 years history, believing that great minds need to explore and develop great solution, and then you protect them by available rights like Patents.  IBM has for many years and are still holding the record of anually published patents. The respect the company holds for the mind, and given a substantially contribution to the technology as a change agent for a better world.  Based on this last principle, I am postive IBM will play a major role in solving the challenges ahead of us to make the world more sustainable and sharing among our still growing population.  Our industry needs companies like IBM, and all new commers like Facebook have a great role model to look up to.  Happy Birthday.

tirsdag 24. mai 2011

Why Open Innovation is important to drive change

Just finished a workshop with a team of leaders from public sector.  In my presentation material I had a picture of the wheels, building from the standard in powerpoint.  I went through the drivers in the innovation engine needed in public service, and was happy with my preperation and the dialouge in the room. Then I was pushed down from the mountain top of sucess, with a minor question.  Have you looked at the wheels ?  Yes. Well, can you tell me how that enigne will run, the wheels are wrong. This engine would crack up and not work.  And he was right. Take a look yourself, and start correcting your powerpoints, because this is borned out of standard figures.

tirsdag 10. mai 2011

How to get 15% ROI on investment in digitalization of public services- Look to Norway

The benefit realization report for the Altinn Program was published by Brønnøysund registrene in march 2011. The report has a developed methodology to investigate a potential benefit for a new public service. Then a number of new services are investigated, due to the fact they are in the pipeline to onboard the Altinn-engine.  Finally the numbers are aggregated to a national level. 
The Report documents that Norway will benefit more than € 1.5 billion in the period from 2010 to 2020 in an investment estimated to be € 0,5 billion. With a ROI more than 15% it is hard to find a better case on eGovernment anywhere else in the world.
For more information: http://www.altinn.no/

torsdag 14. april 2011

Hvor naiv kan en være som byråkrat/politiker og ødelegge for en bokbransje ?

Etter å ha jobbet med innovasjon drevet av teknologier i over 20 år, er det ekstra spennende de neste 5 årene. Vi er akkurat i begynnelsen av en digitaliseringsbølge av innholds-produksjon og ledelse, utdannelsessystemer og politikere med virkemiddel apparat trenger å raskt bli utfordret også med ny kunnskap.  Idag foregår denne kunnskapsinnhenting via forskning som en hovedkilde, jeg skulle ønske at også næringslivet som lever daglig i et tilpasnings paradigme ville i større grad bli lyttet til som kunnskapskilde.

Ta for eksempel dagens utspill fra finansdepartementet om moms på eBøker fra utenlandske eBok steder.
Hvor naive er norske politikere ? Tror de at lesere av elektroniske bøker vil oppgi når de laster ned fra utlandet?  De kan nok pålegge Amazon og andre å kreve moms av oss, men hva når vi kjøper det i utlandet ? Totalt sett må jo den offentlige kostnaden for å kreve inn dette overskride inntektene, og samtidig stenge for internasjonale konkurransekraft for alle de flotte norske forfatterne.

Men jeg forstår heller ikke forfatterne som lar forlagene bestemme at utviklingen skal gå så tregt, den norske nettskyen er jo også et forsøk på å stenge internasjonale aktører ute, men jeg mener det skader jo vel så mye forfatterne selv slik den er lagt opp.
Når jeg tidligere iår utfordret Erik Fosnes Hansen på dette ble jeg mildt sagt meget overrasket. Han sverget til relasjonen med den gode redaktøren og som en suksessfull forfatter mener jeg at selv er med å redusere endringskraften i egen bransje og ikke minst muligheten for talentfulle medforfattere som ikke har hatt tilsvarende suksess.  Dette er noe jeg mener er uhørt i sin rolle som medlem i offentlig utvalg.

Og mens bransjen og politikere diskuterer og orienterer seg, skjer det en rivende utvikling utenfor Norges grenser. Jeg skulle ønske at kreftene ble brukt på et mulighetsscenario og ikke et forsvar. Hele eBok bølgen som nå skylder inn over oss kan sees på som en fantastisk mulighet til å nå ut med all den fantastiske litteraturen som skrives i Norge men som idag ikke kommer ut pga langsomme mekanismer for produksjon, oversettelse og distribusjon som i stor grad er i genearasjon 1 av sin digitalisering.

torsdag 31. mars 2011

Ikke la danskene ta oss en gang til, kjære Difi få opp farten

Idag, lansere danske eBoks sin løsning i Norge og de hevder at:

Norge er langt med effektiv udnyttelse af it og digitalisering, men har endnu ingen sikker digital løsning til distribution af post og vigtige dokumenter. Det tilbyder e-Boks nu med sin etablering på det norske marked.
Danmarks digitale postboks, e-Boks, tager nu første skridt i at internationalisere e-Boks og går ind på det norske marked. Med flere end 5,3 millioner direkte og indirekte slutbrugere er eBoks den mest gennemprøvede digitale e-post løsning i Skandinavien.
e-Boks’ entré på det norske marked giver private og offentlige virksomheder i Norge mulighed for at kommunikere digitalt med kunder, borgere og medarbejdere og løfter den norske digitalisering yderligere. Norske virksomheder kan opnå besparelser til porto og distribution på minimum 80 % i forhold til traditionel post. Miljøet spares for papir og nordmændene kan samtidig opnå øget leveringssikkerhed til slutbrugerne.

De har jo rett akkurat nå, men rett foran nesen på oss ligger vårt svar, minID og Altinn. Hvorfor tar det så lang tid og er dette et eksempel på at vi utreder oss vekk fra en mulighet ?  Vi vet at Altinn (dette bekrefter jo danskene) er suveren som samhandlingsmotor og så stoppes vi altså av hva da ?  Og hvorfor har Posten lansert sin alt for enkle digitale postkasse uten å samhandle med Altinn og med minID? 

Jeg elsker teknologi, og blir trist når gode løsninger stoppes fra markedet av perfeksjonister.  Sitter akkurat nå i USA og får innsikt og budskapet her borte er entydig, skal vi innovere må vi tørre å gjøre feil, hvis ikke kommer det andre opp og løser det for oss.  Det er ofte ok, spesielt i det private markedet, men i det offentlige markedet må vi bruke skattepengene fornuftig. 

La Altinn bli den innovasjonsplattformen den kan bli. La oss målrette virkemidlene og de offentlige midlene, la oss tørre å prøve og la oss skape offentlige tjenester i verdensklasse for minst mulige skattepenger som også kan bidra til en bedre verden.  Og please, ikke la danskene selge dette til hele verden.

onsdag 23. februar 2011

Europa - Information Society - Digital Agenda - Action 89: Member States to make eGovernment services fully interoperable

The digital Europe, is it reachable. Working almost every day with eGovernment collaboration mainly in Norway but also in an European reach, I am worried. My worrie is related to the lack of understanding the innovation driven by technology that the brilliant idea of a single market need to become real. I am sensing and talking to too many bureaucrates, brilliant people who believe that the technology roadmap is to leave to the people with this passion. I am sorry to tell, but I do think this is enough.

For our politicans and our bureaucrates to get their dreams come true, they not only need to tell us their dreams, they have to involve themselves in the technology dream. Easy for you to say who are passionated about it, and yes I do agree. But as a women in an overdominated industry by men, I also had to do my deep-dive to get into it. And still alot of the guys do not think I know anything.

However here are my tips to get passionate about technology:
1. Find a gadget you fall in love it and spin out from here. For me it was my Dad's first personal computers running CPM and Dbase, I was amazed how we could write our master thesis on floppy disks, bring them to the schools computer and home. And the beauty of printing a draft, then editing and just hit the cap P and the ctr button trilled me.
2. Put the gadget as the core in your technology web and start spinning and see how it connects. So the next step was look at the personal computer and think how could we develop an ERP-system for our factory on a small and cheap computer and not have it in our binders. Same idea prodution data on floppy, move from computer to computer in the factory
3. And just continue but start talking with people to learn more, and always listen in on their story. Through my passion I have had the great fortune to work with great leaders in technology, politics and organizations. Always amazed by their capability of taking it to the next level to see a new opportunity.

So what is next for me? Well I do have passion about eGovernment collaboration. I do want to share my thoughts on why we need to have collaboration platforms in the cloud, preferable as public as possible, to enhance and stimulate the open innovation needed to meet a single market and reduce our financial challenges. I do also want to use technology to solve the challenges in the developing countries, and with a spesific focus on enabling women and their spirit of entrpreneurship and intrapreneurship. For women like me, this is one of the great opportunities I do hope we have as leaders in our part of the world. I also hope this opportunity will inspired a larger group of women to stretch out for leadership.

On a closing note, reports like this would be much more accurat if the report people had passion for technology. Then they would have the capability to look behind the nice polished windows and start understanding the cost of lacking collaboration platforms. Actually Norway is as far as I know the only country in this list who have a full sized working collaboration platform and our ranking is lower this year despite the fact that the growth in services using this platform is more than 200% this year.

Europa - Information Society - Digital Agenda - Action 89: Member States to make eGovernment services fully interoperable

lørdag 29. januar 2011

Mayday - Mayday Innovation Norway is closing ICT-innovation

It just hit the news, Innovation Norway has to cut their costs, and they are cutting ICT-innovation. Now worries, is their reply by the communication director. Well his answer proves their lack of understanding of how ICT is driving Innovation in todays world.  It should not be so, but obviously we have ministers in this country who have not read the business development story of companies like Google, Facebook, MySpace. They neither do understand the impact that ICT will have to reduce the cost of public administration nor on building the knowledge society they claim Norway will live of in the future.

For some time now I have been looking for speaking opportunities to speak about my topic: Leaders without technology passion can not be leaders in todays organizations.  I obviously have not spent enough time trying to make myself present to make an impact.

So, with a passion for technology what do I do.  Well, people I am moving into politics. If you can not change from the outside, try to change from the inside. An one of my main topics will be to ensure that Norway and norwegians have access to new and innovative ict, either as employees, in educational systems or through great companies. I do believe we are world champions in inventing ICT, but if the market shall pull this, we will loose this advantage.