onsdag 21. september 2011

NOKIOS, We must start action on reusing governent solutions in Europe

Listening to Robert Madlin (Leader of the Digital Agenda in EU) his main message that we should learn more from each-other. This is stated in the Malmø Decleration, and then we tend to issue research and reports. My questions to all of you out there are:
1. Can we continue to afford reports and research, instead of just reusing? If you look at the sucesses of companies like Microsoft and SAP, how did they spread the message. SELLING. So who is selling the solutions between the countries? We just had a client issue a letter to the Norwegian Department on access to the Altinn code. The letter was issued in may, and as of september they have not even got a reply to their request. That is not selling in my ears.
2.Can we continue to let researchers set the speed of implementations? Research is great for building new knowledge, but have we not done this already by implementing solutions in one country of one region. I would like the research to look at the implications and the challenges solved and new challenges appearing by resuing solutions.
3.Can we accept to wait for the perfect technology solution, before serving our citizens with online solutions? I believe in government solutions we need to learn from the innovation leaders like Apple and Google. We need beta-strategies, prototyping and pilots scaling from small to medium to large.

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